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start writing tests for chi squared #ciphey
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complete the chi squared for #ciphey
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add minimum user treshold for measurement of statistical significance of parameter testing so a few users don’t ruin the data #photoai
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do statistical testing on beach #life
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chi squared for quick brown fox #ciphey
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check data quality summary stats #biblio
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assess reports from current ab tests and decide what "statistically significant" means
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add sample size to all visual data boxes #nomads stats
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alpha testing #qrcontact
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Experiment with new scatter chart for averages ratings by cohort #reva
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implement paired t tests to check if change is significant on all metrics #ctr
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add p-values for significance #nomads
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add new Average IQ data #nomads
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fix averaging bug #ciphey
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alpha test #takeabreath
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add A/B test significance calculator on the top 2 testing values so we can see if it’s significant #photoai
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build new average by unit report #reva
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compute some stats, do some research #cryptojobslist
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make multivariate test function for parameters #photoai
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come up with solution for double counting in stats reporting
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