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initial PWA configurations
Increase puppeteer concurrency to 10 #imagekit
Make Sidekiq concurrency configurable through ENV var #startupjobs
- write question to django-concurrency to see if i can use this to ensure max 1 push ✅ #enpvqp
Readjust Postgresql and pgpool configs for connection limitations #netlandish
add full CF SSL PCL
bootstrap web client #apimocka
setup pgBouncer for connection pooling due to reaching connection limit #spectate
auth unix rule to become async because it's CPU bound
enable compression on web server #nachobase
Get async gem working for handling multiple live imap connections #auto
[server] achieve PHP processes concurrency of 20+
implement PWA in #portfolio2
add websockets to mcr #enigmix
multithreaded endpoint checks #pingup