Similar todos
📈 filed my taxes #mylife
finished my taxes at least in theory #mylife
📪 filed my taxes today #mylife
filed/paid my Q4 2022 taxes 📈
📬 mailed the last of my 2022 taxes 💸
💸 finished last years taxes #mylife
💸 worked on my taxes so I can turn everything into my accountant on Monday #mylife
Finally finish taxes Q1 #simpleanalytics
Made some progress towards doing my taxes
💼 finished 2021 taxes and got some money back #revsys
Done filing tax return 🎉
work on taxes at last minute 😫 #life
💸 preparing my taxes for my accountant
💸 talked to accountant about filing my taxes and paying my quarterly taxes #mylife
Payed my taxes 💸 #pl
💸 paid my estimated taxes and filed an extension
prepping and completing taxes 😢