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#conditioner add OR operator
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implement 'or equals' versions of all price condition operators #kornwolf
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Remove eager-loading of associated records (i.e. LEFT JOINS) because we now properly cache most things. Then those complex SQL queries are useless. #wip
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optimize queries when analysing dependencies @
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optimize queries when analysing dependencies @
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brush up my multi-table JOIN syntax on sql playground in treehouse and #downpayment
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natively encode (trailing) stop and profit target triggers in relational schema (rather than overusing all-powerful 'nuts & bolts' jsonb conditions + effects for non-custom use cases) #kornwolf
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get other properties that should be inherited #cssscan
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added cool left join to the query and improved UI
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learn & experiment with anonymous JOIN (...) AS vs correlated subquery #nils
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#nagel Rip out Pimcore ORM in another part of the app and replace with raw SQL, as ORM creates insane amounts of overhead
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Optimize query to only have 1 lookup instead of 2 #plumberjobs
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cross-post #codewithhugo
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use 'in-memory join' with TierManager rather than eager-joining 9000+ separate instances of Tier #kornwolf
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refactor models to allow for application (and relationships) #sython
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added chain query #makergoalbot
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fix nested 1:M relations loader #kornwolf
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Align tests with new data model #nomeattoday
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use 'in memory join' from TierManager rather than filling RAM with 9000+ eagerly-joined separate instances of Tier (that wouldn't stay in sync) #kornwolf
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optimise groups logic
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