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save paymentmethod to charge #checkoutpage
add chargeCount and chargeTotal to pages collection #checkoutpage
import all stripe charges into database (so later I can create invoices) #wip
save querystring to charge and in stripe metadata #checkoutpage
Process successful subscription charge webhook
check job post stripe_customer_id because it’s not tied to a customer but tied to the job in our case, and find all charges, and link them to the invoices so we can show all invoices to customer for a job post like renewals and upsells #remoteok
save stripe account ID to charges #startupjobs
Fix charging issue (moneytree) #matterloop
simplify screen for adding a charge point #stekker
add charge/subscriptions/active subscriptions statistic charts #checkoutpage
added charges js #jobs
Pick up new charger #lifeee