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Jot down product ideas/notes #jovial
#madeit brainstorm ideas and put notes down
work on ideation #shipr
30min brainstorming session for product #2 of 4 products in 4 weeks challenge
thinking about a new idea #dailylife
Went back to my own design daily paper planner → laser focused → all #work todos done before noon 👀
Write out new idea
write like a madman on my flight, think of a new product I now need to make 🙃
brainstorm and mood board a new idea 💡
decide what product I'm going to work on
sketch out ideas for friday article but get distracted from writing it fully today #blog2
tweet about writing down ideas on a whiteboard instead of <insert notes app here> #life
started writing a product journal to keep track of the changes I apply to the product #shipped
started to work on info product idea for #sportstechjobs
Had too many ideas, organised everything in 1 kanban board to see what sticks.
Writing down some things for a new upcoming project #life
closed tabs, sent a bunch of emails, took a bunch of notes for project, bit shocked i had a draft for nearly 2 months, which really means it is time to launch shit asap #life