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Try out Tempest PHP framework
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researching some new frameworks
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decide front end framework #org
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add details about common frameworks #upgradeyourphp
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go look at new framework
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#drs Start the backend using the selected PHP framework.
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#drs Build the first API resource in the selected PHP framework 😎
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#hijri Consider trying Symfony Silex as a framework for this website (Getting start and try main needful functions)
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How to choose a PHP package for development… #imknight
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research on frameworks for backend
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Compare and checkout CMSs. #jovial
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Reading up and research on PHP auth - trying to find a simple, lightweight, framework-agnostic and database-agnostic library that's in between hashing/salting my own auth, or PHP_USER_AUTH vs overkill like Auth0. Maybe this (or something like this)? - #indiejourney #decodingcoding
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Studying changing frameworks for #remotelist
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wrote a blog post about PHP library release… #copicake
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#slackdiscord Try out running software on production PHP
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add 5 frameworks #thrust
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#symfony Trying some PHP libraries to measure internet speed.
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write about Frameworks de desarrollo actuales. Arquitectura MVC. Frameworks y SaaS. #tesis
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Start implementing phpunit testing framework on the #didit api
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choose a CSS framework: none! 👍😄 #3link
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