My Fractional CTO Journey
My Fractional CTO Journey
Not just about work, but about life in general. Moved to another country where the people don't speak English. Starting over a new venture as a fractional co-founder for small businesses.
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helped wife cooked chicken curry #leifinlavida
woke up grumpy, brew coffee, make breakfast sloppy #rhymes #leifinlavida
added new projects on my website's project page #leifinlavida
bought some new books online #learn2unlearn #leifinlavida
tweeted about mental health stuff #leifinlavida
brew coffee, drink it and eat breakfast #leifinlavida
took a long nap #leifinlavida
taking the morning off, feeling tired #leifinlavida
morning routine (brew coffee, eat breakfast, send kid to the bus stop pick up spot, check social medias) #leifinlavida
cooking dinner #leifinlavida
leg day at the gym🦵🏋️ #healthiswealth #leifinlavida
morning routine (brew coffee, walk kid to school bus pickup spot, walk around the block in the snow, make breakfast, check social medias) #leifinlavida
prepped meals for the next 2 days #leifinlavida
cooked dinner #leifinlavida
updated NOW page: #fcto #leifinlavida
quick draft of linkedin strategy #fcto #leifinlavida
doomscrolling for 1 hour #leifinlavida
cleared all emails — read, tasked #fcto #leifinlavida
morning routine (brew coffee, send kid to bus pickup spot, eat breakfast, drink coffee, check emails) #leifinlavida
chest day at the gym💪🏻 #healthiswealth #leifinlavida