My Fractional CTO Journey

My Fractional CTO Journey


Not just about work, but about life in general. Moved to another country where the people don't speak English. Starting over a new venture as a fractional co-founder for small businesses.
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took a short nap after lunch #leifinlavida
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sent quick proposals to free trial clients. thinking of either shortening the number of days for free trials or none at all #fcto #leifinlavida
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feeling homesick this morning, so i cooked nasi goreng sosej + leftover wings for breakfast #leifinlavida
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grocery with kid #leifinlavida
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im done with work! had discovery calls with clients since morning. today's takeaway: focus on serving your customers, and stop trying to impress among founders😅 #fcto #leifinlavida
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anyway, woke up at 5am again. coffee, daily reads, sent my doter to the bus pickup spot, and now deep work! #leifinlavida
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530am meeting with my therapist! foggy outside! #leifinlavida
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ok didn't get the "big" client job. so moving on building smol stuff! #leifinlavida
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published new blog post from obsidian… #leifinlavida
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refined tags for grains blog #leifinlavida
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fixed git plugin, so can write and publish posts from obsidian #leifinlavida
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weekly review and planning #leifinlavida
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woke up at 5am. coffee and light breakfast while reading then 90mins deep work on pomodoro. now last minute prep for client interview. #leifinlavida
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it's monday already?😴 #leifinlavida
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drinking argentinian tea #leifinlavida
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coffee is life? #leifinlavida
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prepping for client's interview tomorrow. #fcto #leifinlavida
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made a request to remove notion ai from my workspace. it is now nowhere to be seen! yay! #leifinlavida
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rode the ferris wheel for the first time #leifinlavida
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having conversation with AI about which project(s) to do this weekend😆 #leifinlavida
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