
Would you use a tool to automate your VPS setup?

Recently moved all of my apps to a $5/mo VPS using Coolify

Saved tons of $$, and can self-host my NextJS/FastAPI/Ghost/Postgres instances etc.

Coolify has an API that can be used to automate this setup for common self-hosting scenarios (NextJS, Supabase, Gatsby, Remix, Postgres, FastAPI, Mysql, Wordpress, etc.).

Posted a landing page for the idea (, thinking to build a tool that does this for others

Thoughts? Would you use it? 

Based on your landing page, I saw you are targeting developers who don't want to mess up with a tool like Coolify.

I would ask this question before going further:

  • What can stop those devs from spinning up their own Coolify? Because most of the devs love toying with things.
  • If there is no reason to stop them, is there anyone else who would benefit from indiehost? By adding this or removing that?

Personally, I'm using Kamal to deploy Rails apps, so I'm not your target audience. But probably many others would! You just have to find your ideal customer profile.

Good luck, Stuart! :)

I was actually intrigued by it because I'm thinking of switching off Vercel to self hosted nextjs, but I don't know exactly how much time it would save or what it actually does for me.

If I saw the setup process of a vps with indiehost vs the setup process of just coolify maybe I could have been convinced. Or even just a video of you using it to setup a VPS from scratch would go a long way.

There's a big "movement" with self hosting nextjs so I could see this working.