Personal social accounts vs. creating social accounts for products?
Can I get your opinions on using your social accounts (as a person) to represent the products you make vs. starting accounts for your products (that you hope to be companies)?
My main thought is it's easier to brand yourself as a maker of X, Y, and Z, and use that to launch and build other things than it is to build a new audience from scratch.
My main thought is it's easier to brand yourself as a maker of X, Y, and Z, and use that to launch and build other things than it is to build a new audience from scratch.
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Pug Pugson had a great few answer, which I'll summarize here:
A. It all depends on what you plan on posting on these accounts...
B Both are great but people interested in your product or your customers might not be into seeing what you had for breakfast or that you got the latest iPhone...
C. So in the early days tweeting from your personal handle makes the most sense...
D. Once you grow a bit then be more active on the company account...
That pretty much answered it for me. I think I'm going to try and handle creating a second Twitter account for my product to avoid mixing content as my target customers won't want to see my personal garbage.
For a product that will ever need a twitter account of its own, I go ahead and create it right away. Then all the related stuff gets tweeted from product/company twitter account & RT from my personal account.
helpful thanks