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What are you doing instead?
Being more stressed at dayjob.exe than I used to be. That's probably the biggest effect.
And on the sidehustle side, I spend a lot of time shipping things that maintain the status quo or aren't working as well as they used to (in part because I'm no longer as productive at them as I used to).
Ultimately I don't spend enough time shipping things that would get me to the next level. And maybe I don't even know what those are. It's hard to tell.
It's a hard spot to be in, having a day job and trying to ship. Perhaps you need a week off from shipping (and the day job?); or perhaps you can reset expectations to 30 minutes before or after day job for shipping for a few months while focusing on de-stressing the day job? Sorry if this seems preachy... just some things that came to mind. I've been there and it's not fun.
Are the steps needed to get to the next level well defined, or are they only ideas? I tend to think a lot about things but until I spend some time putting down some actionable steps I donât do nothing if not thinking about the same thoughts again and again
Having actionable steps help me jump quickly in the work and this often help getting in the zone and âunlockâ situations where I feel blocked.
I donât know, probably it is just me, but keeping an idea âvagueâ it leaves me in this strangely comfortable zone where I think: âI have this great idea that when I want to do and will change things for meâ, but in the end I never start doing it...
Depends on what you mean by well defined.
Do I know which specific action will guarantee the results I want? Of course not.
Do I have a pretty solid understanding of what needs to happen to have a good chance of getting the results? Yep.
I don't mean this.
Ok, it seems the kind of zone that I mentioned before, now, what's the first step? e.g. Making the first 5 episode as "pilot" for learn while pooping? Make the landing page? Pooping with a stopwatch to understand what will be your limit constraint? Whatever is, just do it ÂŽ .
If you don't know exactly what the first step, this is probably the real problem, you didn't seriously wrap your head around this idea...
First define ânext levelâ. I agree with aaron. When stressed, rest is usually the only answer. Cutting out coffee, workout, balance activity and dont force the shipping.
When rested perhaps a better definition of ânext level â will come as well
Stepwise growth in revenue. I want to do 2x what I did last year because that would allow me to go full time.