
Are high DA backlinks for SEO a painkiller or a vitamin?

I'm obsessed with building  #journorobo and making it even better. 

I'm very aware though that I need to figure out the marketing and the angle to take with it. 

To me if you want to rank well for SEO, then high DA backlinks are needed - and using tools like  #journorobo makes it really easy to quickly build those backlinks. 

However, I am wondering if *enough* people in this world see this as a priority and see the value in what I am doing? 

Do I need to go into "education" - or do people get it already and actually do I just push forward with messaging about getting high DA backlinks with less time and without crazy costs. 

Really curious to know people's thoughts as it weighs on my mind this rainy Sunday afternoon! 

Love you and thank you in advance 😘

Yes it's a real need to grow SEO.
I think however the best seeling proof would be to have a high DA on your own website.

check his personal site, he's been using journorobot on that domain

It's definitely necessary, but I think you need to educate the customer as to why it's important and how it will help SEO.

Things like explaining why backlinks from articles in the same niche as you are better than general directory links. Backlinks from a well researched article written by a real person is good. Backlinks from high DA sites are good, etc.

And I think you need to show the steps on how you would use your product. Things like having guides (or just a section?) on how to respond to a journalist request with examples of things you did to successfully get a link.

And having examples of sites that have benefited from your product.

Also, i would have a comparison page. Like for example there is a similar product doing this - So why would someone pick yours over theirs?

These are great thoughts. Thank you SO much.

My thought throughout this has very much been to "dogfood" my own app and really show how the sausage is made.

I think that, really, I need to do a much better job of that.

Right now I am "saving" a lot of the stuff to show when I actually get the link to show the whole process.

Do you think that is the right approach or should I drip out the process on X?

...and then do full articles when I get the link?

I am finding shooting quick videos like this a really great way to get journalist's attention right now and defo want to share more stuff like that (plus - potential loom affiliate opportunity?).

I think those are good to post on X. Check out I think their landing page is good at explaining why you need it

Hi! I write SEO content, and most people (except my SaaS clients) don't actually know this is important. They know SEO is important, but not specifically what parts of SEO to focus on (certainly not high DA backlinks), which is why they hire me.

Depending on your audience, education is essential. And even if your audience is a total pro with it, I'd still say education is good because SEO is constantly evolving, and you're just positioning yourself as a trusted expert.

I see literally no downside with it unless it's taking up too much time (in which case, hire this out -- again, hi lol) or you're not seeing a measurable ROI after at least 6 months of consistent content marketing.

Still, I'd revisit how you're positioning yourself, how you're communicating your message, and if you're meeting your audience where they're at before deciding to scrap edu content entirely.

question in my mind, I suppose, is if education is so important, is it really a niche I want to be in?

Makes your job twice as hard, right?

Nope, it actually makes it easier because you're not just hoping they understand what you mean when you sell.

You're communicating clearly EXACTLY what your product will do and how to get the most out of it.

You could say "SEO services" to 100 SEO specialists and get 100 different answers as to what that'd be 😹

Also, educational content doesn't HAVE to mean going from zero to full awareness. You rarely, if ever, want to deal with the unaware folks. That's not worth your time or effort.

Typically, people take their audience from problem aware (they know they're not ranking well and know it's a problem) to most aware, but you can start from your solution aware audience segment (they already know high DA backlinks is one possible solution to their problem), so now you have to educate them on why it's a viable solution for them, why it's better than other solutions (know your competitors and not just your SEO ones), and how to get high DA backlinks using your product, which moves them to product aware.

Educational content spans the whooooole awareness spectrum, and you get to decide (based on data, I hope) where you start.

The further along they are, the more specialized your content can be because they'll already have foundational knowledge.

(For ex: solution aware people won't need a piece of content explaining what SEO is because they already know. They might need one to show them how to find high DA websites and how your tool can help them do that a lot faster and more accurately than them doing it manually.)

I've got at least 15 other examples of what you could create for both a problem and solution aware audience, so let me know 😹