
So I am going in the right direction using cron?

Yep, I'd think less about these kinds of things and if you're doing them properly or not personally and just make it work and ship it

I read at night and have a minimum of one word
I usually read from 5-100 pages a night.
Varies on a lot

Wow that's a lot 👏

Must require lot of time to read 100 pages?

Maybe 2 hours. Sometimes you go on a binge!

  1. Buy every book I'm interested in.

  2. Reading Pattern:
    -Start page 1. Read until I get bored.

  3. If it's boring then I go to the contents and then decide what to skim and what to focus on. I leaf through it going to the parts that I think will be interesting.

  4. If I find it interesting I finish the book. Aside from the information, reading in pleasurable.

  5. Have a pencil to circle things and write on the sides.

  6. I don't have a quantity to read.
    BUT I have a habit that I must read daily (articles are not included)
    At the beginning it's slow but eventually the pages start pilling up at a faster rate.

Quick book recommendation:
Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene

I follow step 2!

What are your thought on it? I think it gets rid of putting books on a pedestal

That's a nice pattern. How many pages do you read now? And any specific time? Morning/Night?

I read at night and have a minimum of one word
I usually read from 5-100 pages a night.
Varies on a lot

Wow that's a lot 👏

Must require lot of time to read 100 pages?

Maybe 2 hours. Sometimes you go on a binge!