🥨 pretzelhands
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#gddg Re-confirm with city government about catering order and procedure RE: payment
#life See city-famous politician and chat with him for a moment
#life Track down visa and find out it was marked delivered even though they gave it to the post office a month ago
#life Call gov agency to inquire about visa status, but no one picks up the phone
#gddg Write script to generate 300+ name badges for event attendees
#life Catch up with major drama in Austrian politics since national elections happen tomorrow
#gddg Coordinate official sponsoring from city government and issue official order for catering company
#gddg Arrange catering for big game dev event
#life Test if I can do a full workday (10hrs of running 2-3 IDEs, a Terminal, a web browser plus music) on a single battery charge of an M3 Macbook
#life Get notice that my accountant is retiring most of his clients due to health concerns, but be one of the few lucky clients that gets to stay due to being low maintenance
#life Spend way too long to compile EXACTLY OpenVPN 2.4.12 with EXACTLY openssl 1.1 to set up VPN connection for work