I have a relatively high response rate when I do follow-ups, and I often respond to people who follow up with me (even if they didn't get a response the first time). What often happens is many people forget to respond.
Anyway, I think if your ask is modest and you keep things succinct, people are happy to respond. Of course, no wasting people's time 😄
I've used just Gmail normally, but I use Trello to visualize who I've sent cold emails to and set Due Dates about when to follow up. Curious to hear other answers!
How does following up work for you? Do you get results from it?
I have a relatively high response rate when I do follow-ups, and I often respond to people who follow up with me (even if they didn't get a response the first time). What often happens is many people forget to respond.
Anyway, I think if your ask is modest and you keep things succinct, people are happy to respond. Of course, no wasting people's time 😄
Hi @zaheerbaloch, I'm not sure what the actual split is, but Medium talks about their high-level business model regarding its subscription service. Google search recent blog posts from Ev Williams, the CEO and founder.
Hi @nicknick, I googled and found very high level information that payouts are based on claps, views and engagement/reading time etc. But they never mention anywhere how much they give out or what exactly is the formula!
#twocents If those companies are targeted and you're reaching out to them to conduct research / see if they might benefit from your product, then it's not disrespectful at all.
In the case that you actually have something they need, then it's a win-win!
You can avoid being too "salesy" by:
- Being humble and asking, as opposed to telling.
- Remembering that people are busy, so being respectful of people's time and keeping it succinct.
- Remembering that you're trying to serve them with your product.
I'm not the target market, but I checked it out! Here are my #twocents
- Graphs are beautiful, really liked the UI design.
- Great idea showing metriclist's own dashboard as an example.
- I would make the CTA to create your own dashboard more prominent!
- Homepage hero copy thoughts:
- "Create beautiful dashboards with zero effort." 👍🏼
- "Public dashboards for product people" could be stronger
- "Your audience will come back to [...]" could be stronger
- Maybe ... "Create beautiful dashboards with zero effort. Build your story and build trust at the same time."
- Free trial: I see that it's available because of the FAQ, but maybe make it visible from the pricing. If someone skims over the FAQ they won't see that they can try the product risk-free.
"Roasting" it here is fun, but getting customers to use it will provide the best feedback!
metriclist.com is pretty different than levels.io/open right? Are you referring to something else?
Hmm this might be a better question for Stack Overflow because of its community (and it was made for this!), but I want to mention that I'd be wary of injecting Redux without good reason.
It's really useful for sharing state amongst your components, but it adds significantly more boilerplate.
Ah ok thanks for the response!
I understand it's a difficult technical/UX problem. If I can think of a novel solution, I'll be sure to mention it.