Jon Edgeworth
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finish pytorch quickstart after getting distracted last night due to high speed swat chase ending across the street so you know i had to go spectate
added delete from db functionality, yet considering way more complexity due to 1:10e9 chance of 🤯 #buildingo
add more tests and password change functionality #buildingo
who knew writing tests would be so fun 🫤 #buildingo
added session management and flash msgs #buildingo
added composable middleware with form validation #buildingo
create notes functionality with go and mysql #buildingo
100 upright rows to wrap up the day #gymoffice
100 supine rows before noon food #gymoffice
migrate off defaultServeMux after learning of vulnerabilities
try out luma after seeing @bjorndunkel video and realize i need to get better at prompts (or my image is upside down, probably both)
starting work on AUTH b/c i need AUTH and i don't know AUTH and scared of AUTH and hopefully i will find its easy