David Cotton

David Cotton


Building PowerUser Jobs
Joined March 2022

I like the design and concept. Reminds me of Journalistic. I would prob remove paid version and reports. Go free for a bit with just 1 tally per user. Then get them excited with potential features that could come with a paid app. Also how did you come to $17 a year? Looks kinda odd. Maybe try $9-$10 a year for unlimited tallys. $15-$20 for reports and other features? I’ll be sure to follow this app.

Hey @davidcotton 👋

Thank you so much for the feedback and for sharing journalistic!

Indeed, the pricing is somewhat arbitrary. However, I really don't want to have too many plans for this product. However, I'm curious about trying out the fully free version for now.

Thank you for the feedback.

I like the idea for Discord but I’m not building for you and me. My wife is part of a couple of book clubs on Facebook. It is insane how many still use Facebook and have not ventured out to things like Discord.

But a simple chat app might be an easier sell.

Thank you for your thoughts.

The type of community I'm building could include Youtube / Podcast and I think Patreon could tie everything together.

I wouldn't mind using Patreon as a way to provide commercial free content, previews and access to early features, voting on roadmap stuff.

I like how aharris00britney built the tiers. "Early Access + Voting" and…

So you have a very good point... just make it very explicit what users are getting.

Here is my profile so far if you want to test following…

Would be interested to know where it pulls in the data from. I haven't been able to get any results. Design is cool though.

Yes because there're no healthcare service providers listed in your area. This work with geolocation and gives results based on your location. We can consider having a meeting to discuss more.