Michael Quaynor
Yes because there're no healthcare service providers listed in your area. This work with geolocation and gives results based on your location. We can consider having a meeting to discuss more.
This link here highlights some of the strategies I used in getting my first 100+ users wip.co/posts/my-first-100-use…
I really appreciate the time you took to check out Kuuote and the awesome feedback. Great thanks. With the mental health guides, I'm working on them to upload in the next version. Also in the process of getting some therapists on Kuuote to help become a better place.
It's still in it's early stages so there're a few posts that have mental health tips. I'll appreciate if you can recommend therapists in your networks so I can learn from them and also bring them on to better the experience. I wish we could have a brief meeting to discuss further.
How to get your first 1000 users before launching a product
Thanks so much Luke for taking your time to check out my project & with the feedbacks you sent, are really good. I'll check on the lil bugs and solve them asap. Can we connect on LinkedIn or Twitter to talk more. Much Appreciated!