Brian Ball
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I've used GoDaddy a lot -- but don't / can't recommend them. Got in before they were sleazy. Starting to use NameCheap and have positive experience with their chat support. I like that they give you a customer PIN to verify yourself -- wish ATT and others would do as much. It does feel like NameCheap is getting BIGGER ( more profit hungry ) over time.

I've had success with letting people try the full product for a few runs. Then, asking them to pay after it works to their delight.

I really respect people who offer a clear free value ( not crippled ) and the paid version is a no-brainer. This is easy to demonstrate when what they're paying for clearly takes more resources to provide and support. A 'free' resource should be enough for a person to try and make sure it works for their use case -- but shouldn't be sufficient as a business resource for a profitable company.

Also remember, that the more you earn, the more you can spend to get customers and keep them happy.

Tweet about 'business' value of Blinkloader (BL). Maybe put some some online examples with and without the use of BL - so people can feel the difference. Tweet about the people in a business context who's jobs are more secure because they care about the details ( such as optimization ).
Tweet tutorials about how people can optimize without BL -- but it's such a pain, they'll decide that they should probably just use your tools. ( their conclusion not yours )

Awesome! Came up with a couple of ideas, thanks for the inspiration.

If you want something that's pretty easy to manage and is great for lots of experiments - might be okay. Control Panels email etc.

Kathy Sierra's book/talk about making users BadAss -- isn't about community as much as it is about users, but it's got some gems.

If you can't pre-sell it, you won't be able to sell it. If you're worried about not delivering - offer a discount for pre-purchases in order to lower the expectations.

This seems best answered with data. New Revenue (sales from ads) - Costs ( time, creative, ad buy )