Matt Baer
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GitHub for public projects, and self-hosted Gogs/Gitea for private repos

Level 3 now with #writeas, though it really started as a way for me to learn new things. Otherwise I'm at level 2 for pretty much all other products right now -- some will probably be there forever, and others are heading for level 3.

Personally I tend to combine level 1 and 2 -- there's always something to learn, and I figure if I build something that solves one of my problems, it probably solves someone else's, too (#makemediumreadable is a recent example).

We give people the option on #writeas and though it's definitely used, the majority of users still log in with username and password. It could be us down-playing the option to log in via email, but people don't complain too much about logging in with a password.