Andrew Schmelyun

Andrew Schmelyun


Full-stack PHP dev, JavaScript enthusiest, and pepper grower
Joined April 2018

+1 for mailtrap. If you're using Laravel, it's insanely easy to integrate.

Glad there's other like me. You'd think knowing how awful it's going to feel after you've procrastinated would make you not do it in the first place, but I've yet to conquer it.

Sounds about right, and I've experienced that back-and-forth switching a decent amount. When I start getting stuck in loops like that unable to decide what to work on, I feel like it's my brain telling me to step away for a while. So I usually try to do something away from a screen. Even better if it's constructive, as it'll usually help you either solve a problem you're stuck on or help a decision or two that you might have been torn between.

Personally my burnout-preventing hobbies include biking, walking my dog, reading a book, woodworking, geocaching, and photography.