Martin Llano

Martin Llano


Entrepreneur. 20+ years building diff type of biz. Currently:,,,
Joined September 2024

I'll suggest to add supply chain security checks and dependabot.

Yeah, that's a good one.

On top of enabling dependabot there must be a commitment to review and fix it's suggestions though! So many projects have it's PRs pending but there is no action at all.

Hey Tom, a few questions:

  • Why do you think devs are interested on it? Maybe a skill issue? IME as seniority increases they are more likely to share their expertise (i.e: staff engineers / architects are always kin to write).

  • What's your definition of depth and hight rates?

yes, maybe they would be a better fit, so someone who can write about networking proxies, dns, https, sftp, haproxy, nginx, linux etc...

What's the DR? The easy one option it's to sell the website and use the cash somewhere else.