Shazeb Hussaini

Shazeb Hussaini


Learning how to create a bootstrapped businesses from scratch. And also Building a 🚢 shipping muscle. 💪
Joined February 2022

Hey, thanks for the reply.

I was thinking it's making too many requests. That's why I thought there must be a way to use sockets or something similar for continuous data streaming. But I'm new to this, so I don't know for sure. That's why I'm asking here for advice from experienced people.

I'm working as a pentester and i love devops. Do you guys think i can create some simple product around this?

Hey @ben, Thanks for the detailed replied. Its very useful. I've made up my mind, and I want to stick with sqlite for now. Until, I've something good. I want easy things to get started and want to convert my ideas into reality.

Anyways, thanks for the help.

Exactly, that’s why I want to use simple stack. So are you suggesting me to use laraval?

If your aim is to learn new things specifically for shipping, then yes.

With only the free packages in the official ecosystem, you can have user registration & auth, payment provider setup (Stripe, Paddle, or LemonSqueezy), application performance monitoring, feature flags, code quality linting, websockets, API setup (both simple and complex like OAuth) and social logins (e.g. Google), all running within a few minutes.

Then there's the free WAMP/XAMP alternative called Herd which makes the dev environment easier.

Then there's the paid ecosystem, which can take care of infrastructure for you (both normal servers with Forge and serverless with Vapor), deployment (Envoyer), have premium payment dashboards (Spark), and application admin panels (Nova, but I prefer the free Filament instead)

Also, currently the plan here is to ship ideas fast as possible. Maybe InshaAllah in future if something turn big. Then I’ll think at that time. Till then I just want to sharp my axe(skills). So I can ship something. :)

This is a really useful info and I really appreciate for this. Thanks my man @nikspyratos

Ive tired rails, I’ve issue with the ORM, has many has one from orm is confusing sometime for me. Means I can understand but when I want to implement something. I actually struggle. Also, I want to add functions by myself and also want to understand how security work properly. And when I want to implement something in php it looks easy.

Also SQLite is easy to setup, jquery is easy to use. Also I can understand php easily.

I just want to know the above thing and then I want to stick. If a website have 1ml visits per month and I have like 15-20dbs. Will it make my website very slow? If not then I’ll just stick to the same stack. :)

You don't have to use the ORM if you don't want to. But that's really like 5% of the framework when we're talking about using frameworks.

Personally ORMs just make things faster to develop with than hand writing queries.

There's also plenty of learning resources online, like Laracasts.

There are projects out there scaling pretty well with just SQLite, there's no reason yours wouldn't. I wouldn't worry about trying to serve 1 million a month yet if you aren't even serving 1. Solve problems as they arise, not before.

Exactly, that’s why I want to use simple stack. So are you suggesting me to use laraval?

If your aim is to learn new things specifically for shipping, then yes.

With only the free packages in the official ecosystem, you can have user registration & auth, payment provider setup (Stripe, Paddle, or LemonSqueezy), application performance monitoring, feature flags, code quality linting, websockets, API setup (both simple and complex like OAuth) and social logins (e.g. Google), all running within a few minutes.

Then there's the free WAMP/XAMP alternative called Herd which makes the dev environment easier.

Then there's the paid ecosystem, which can take care of infrastructure for you (both normal servers with Forge and serverless with Vapor), deployment (Envoyer), have premium payment dashboards (Spark), and application admin panels (Nova, but I prefer the free Filament instead)

Thank you for your response. I agree with your perspective; it seems that staying in my current situation for another 2-3 years might be the best course of action. This would allow me to save enough money to support myself for a year without work, during which I could focus exclusively on developing and launching my product. I realize that this might not be possible if I move to the Western country. Additionally, pursuing certifications would be beneficial for securing a higher salary and promoting growth in my professional career. Based on my gut feeling and the factors we've discussed, I believe that staying in my current location for at least two more years is the most suitable decision for me.

@martinvandriel There are already better and good tools. And to create content it will take a time and i don't know who will buy it because i don't have that much audience.