Similar todos
good day. Accomplished everything I wanted despite having started the day late (around 1pm) #hip
spent bascially all day collecting and researching the stuff I want to invest in (mostly tech gear related to my 3-2-1 backup system, mobile voiceover recording and video editing equipment). That came as a surprise (like yesterday was a suprise as well). It also meant that now, at the end of the day I bascially accomplished nothing except for the walk outside and a bit of the day job. But it's ok because these investments have been in my mind for weeks now. Feeling calmer and better becasue I can put a checkmark ✅ in front of that topic 🙂 #hip
awesome day - first time that I sticked to my newly invented rhyhtm of fun, duty, fun, duty - after every fun activitiy follows a duty activity, and so. #hip
long but good first #djangocon day
Planned my day and completed some small #chores 🚀
Trying to get my shit together for an awesome 2020 #life
Bit of a weird day because I went to bed late/early (around 5am) but it turned into a pretty ok day. And now I finally have cereals for breakfast again. I had been eating all the rest food for almost two weeks ^^ #hip
Woke up early and spent most of the morning putting my belongings in order #chores
💼 day jobbed and spent some time cleaning the oven at my old place. also put my desk together and spent my first half day in my new home office. it was great. #mylife
#tw lots of little stuff done.
Busy day with a bit of everything
✅ spent the last day of 2018 with my family yet managed to complete a few last minute todos during naps. #mylife
Work is done (morning routine, day job, lesson 1.8 of masterclass) but inbox and finances still not done. #hip
Today was the first day out of 28 days for working on #studiolist. Except for that I didn't accomplish anything. Tomorrow on day 2 I want to do better.
It's been a day job intense (~13 hours) with good conversations and various tasks. Because of that and my Stoicism voiceover show it was a rich day. #hip
another day off from side-hustling. I now realized how much stuff I left lying around in my frenzy of focussing only on one thing. I'll just take the next few days and finish what crosses my way #life
lots of stuff today. fucking productive
After a social Saturday and no day job, I used the Sunday for some day job work, the masterclass lesson 1.7 as well as finances and cleaning my inbox- yes, the rather (except for fwc) boring stuff 😉 #hip
Woke up and resumed organizing my personal belongings #chores
Got a lot done today! 💪 #boltai