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share weekly update of my voiceover journey in the gftb community #iian
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got an overview of the postproduction process (bit of a repition like - EQ - Compression - Normalisation - De-Essing - Limiting - Insert Effects - Send & Return Effects but that's ok); started the advanced voiceover course to get from my intermediate level to a pro level which included today: to warm up nicely and full-body, going to extremes (ultra low pitch, ultra high pitch, mixture of both and going over the top with a caricature performance) - my voice felt like the strings of a guitar today when I practiced #stolenvoice
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learned (as an overview) how to use Reaper and Pro Tools as voiceover artist. Also learned: how to interpret briefs and casting instructions, editing my submission to a casting, how to get on casting lists, doing alternate takes, what it means to go over the top (OTT), the different types of agents and what rates/fee should be charged #stolenvoice
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(was Friday, Feb 16) finished course "How to voice commercial", read the article related to that, continued the drip on setting up a home-recording studio and watched the webinar on "How to Record Yourself as a Voice Artist" #stolenvoice
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attended a mentoring session on voiceover - helpful for my next biz steps and goal-setting #stolenvoice
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Start Voice Acting Portfolo ;-)
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wrote how I chose my voiceover software for recording and editing my voice - draft for #stolenvoice blog
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bolder and more targeted name "Best Recording Studios for Digital Voiceover Nomads" (instead of "Voiceover studios for Actors, Audiobook Narrators, YouTubers and Podcasters") #studiolist
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continued learning on Self-Direction for Voiceover Artists #stolenvoice
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learned about other reels (corporate, "voice of gods", audio book"), began a webinar on self-directing my recordings as part of the vo beginners drip, learnned bits and pieces on mixing, playtesting and targeting my reels #stolenvoice
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reviewed the last 7 days in my voiceover biz and shared it #stolenvoice
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Thursday confession what I got done in my voiceover biz #stolenvoice
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finished the advanced VO course (doing post-production, working with directors, client-work remotely, physical and vocal health) #stolenvoice
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digitally connected with people I met at the voiceover conference #stolenvoice
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(on Thursday 22) finished the "Home Studio" Drip emails, made it until "Module 11 – Delivery Speed – Fast" of the "Advanced Voiceover to Pro Standard" course, watched "British Voice Artists: Making it in America" webinar and wrote my weekly confession in terms of what I got done in the last 7 days #stolenvoice
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Made an important decision: Making money through product work via #studiolist does take longer and teaching via #freewritecamp is not a money-making "machine" anyway. So, my current focus is on revenue 💰💰💰 via #stolenvoice client work and (inbound) marketing of my client voiceover services because through client work I can make immediate money and money is important for my business survival. When survial time will be "mastered" I can shift focus on playing with other channels of revenue - Klitschko's tweet (… ) reminded of focus as the key ingredient for long-term success. So be it. Also learned that when the topic is survival I'm pretty good at it, as learned in Cuba.
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A great effect of a sabbatical is clarity: Today I defined the merger of stolenvoice tv and IGTV to become one show (one format) and only to published once a week (Friday) instead of daily IGTV (Mon-Fri) and weekly stolenvoice tv (Fri). Also, I'll use as the place where I'll write the full-text article whereas followed by the episode number will lead to the IGTV episode directly. Also, I'll be using my third 4 hours of my 12 total productive for either or music-making. #hip
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a colleague made me aware that I have competition for #studiolist ( - finally a serious competitor! YES!
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wrote my Thursday confession / 7-days review of what I got done in terms of VO biz and art, submitted my new VO performances to get pro feedback and some interaction with another VO student #stolenvoice
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defined two expected outcomes for my vo biz in 2018 and an action list for both outcomes #stolenvoice
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