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Share on Product Hunt upcoming page #drawsql
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tweet about the product update(s) #mindwave…
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find #makerwidget on another PH Products Screenshot 😱…
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Tweet about a shit product from Twilio… #altafino
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post new products to telegram channel #whatsnew
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check submitted product on Twitter
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share one new product submission to telegram and twitter page #whatsnew (need to automate this soon)
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#pintura tweet about new release
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Featured in ProductHunt newsletter #sitesauce
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review submitted products on Twitter thread
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post 2 new products to telegram channel #whatsnew
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tweet about blog post
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tweet about blog post #support
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Post #tweetsweeper to Product Hunt 🎉…
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share links blog & snack public #press
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Tweet about #magetools
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Tweet about #coolshapes
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Tweet about #securedfyi
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#fbamonthly launch fbamonthly on product hunt
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post twittar update for Nov 23 2017 #producthunthackathon
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