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🗓 attended monthly conference organizer's meetup #mylife
Buy Ticket to JNB #lifeee
book speaking gig at private wordpress meetup
Preparing WordCamp Granada presentation to talk about #niusleters
attending weekend workshop #sharpeningthesaw
attending weekend workshop #sharpeningthesaw
attending two virtual conferences. BarCamp Philly and pyjamas as one does from home #mylife
🎤 attended/co-hosted a monthly conf organizer's meetup #mylife
went to conference
observe(art) during… #nils
attended/co-hosted a monthly organizer's meetup #mylife
attending DjangoCon AU online #mylife
drive to J-Bay #life
Attended Mastermind #life
have a braai with new friends in Jbay. #life
🎟 Virtually attending DjangoCon Europe #mylife
Attend WebDev101 meetup
Attend WebDev101 meetup
Attended AI meetup #aiexperiments