Similar todos
🎟 Virtually attending DjangoCon Europe #mylife
🚀 launched DjangoCon US 2020 in San Diego #djangocon
🎟 attended DjangoCon Europe day 3 #mylife
🐍 catching up on djangocon / psf volunteerwork #mylife
🎉 released the 2019 djangocon us schedule #djangocon
Last day of the DjangoCon talks
🗞 published a DjangoCon US Talks I’d Like to See: 2023 Edition blog post #djangocon
📺 Watching DjangoCon Europe Day 2 talks #mylife
all setup for #djangocon's first day of talks
📺 Added Django Day Copenhagen…
attending two virtual conferences. BarCamp Philly and pyjamas as one does from home #mylife
Attending Droidcon Italy
catching up on #djangoconus community work tonight after a wonderful afternoon with my son on his first birthday.
adopted a nw Django community project #mylife
attending #PyConUs day 3 or 4
attending the #pycon hallway track
djangocon us day three is in the books
submit proposal for django con 🤞
mostly #djangoconus community work and budgets today. saved a few new conferences though too. adding or updating something every day, one step at a time.
djangocon us day four done