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fix django layout #avocadojobs
✏️ researched bringing back an older Django project that was super useful 7 to 10 years ago #mylife
scrape router stats and build little web app to check data #life
blog about databases…
start learning Django REST framework
adopted a nw Django community project #mylife
researched how to boost Django contrib search but didn't quite find a good workaround #lfk
built a job options thing for executing feed data imports in django #homestretch
set up Django #wandlimb
🔨 Fixed/rebuilt some of my hosting setup and I realized I need to migrate one of my primary databases because it's so old newer Djangos don't want to talk to it.
refactored a scraper app to use django-q more effectively
write base models for blog with django wagtail
⬆️ upgraded trail running website to Django 3.2 and added imported json records to each import result
📕 more Celery research for Django deployment project #mylife
last night I worked on search for a few websites using django-haystack #mylife
🐦 tweeted a bunch about #django stuff
register #talkdjango
🐘 makes an image of my old database server #servers