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setup mongo compass
write dirty script in 5m to plan mongodb index migrations between dev and production #crisp
connect mlab mongo #thinkcap
moved database from mlab to mongo db atlas #sportstechjobs
set up dev and prod mongo databases #daddytuner
done with mongodb migration to a dedicated server
Export data from firebase to mongodb #fun
#sheet2site figure out what to do with mongo on heroku
upgrade mongo db cluster to speed up #sponsorgap
Set up a rough schema of the mongodb data models #taskity
Set up a rough schema of the mongodb data models #taskity
added mongo db query to show all companies with posted jobs and categories #sportstechjobs
#sheet2site emails. switch no code form to mongo
add mongo keys to prod #shipr
fiddling around with mongodb models #support
fixing mongodb error #nbpai
figure out how to connect with mongo shell #mflg
#sheet2site upgrade mongo db to a paid plan