Similar todos
📆 met with a friend to exchange business ideas #mylife
back at day job. discussed a new business model and collected a few more conferences to list. back to code soon
👏 met with a friend/associate to discuss what options her company would be interested in for handling their in house events. #conf
📊 researched and made a list of ~50 new conferences to add to my conference list
✍️ sketched out a new idea for how to claim a conference event #conf
enjoyed a day a small business conference, met lots of interesting peoples and learned lots and lots. promoted #zap to a potential advertisers / sponsors.
📧 finished off a few emails for non-profit conference #mylife
🤗 speak with a friend about biz ideas
worked on more layouts and a ton of marketing/business plan research
🎙 working on a last minute conference proposal after a few pings today #mylife
✅ sponsorship and other planning session for one of my conference. #mylife
wrapped up day two of meetings and met with a friend for coffee. Pitched website and received great feedback and interest for a corporate customer.
💼 day job and conference planning #mylife
📆 conference board, planning, and non-profit work + day job today #mylife
brief consult with a friend on structuring the revenue model of an idea
worked on conference planning, funding, and a bunch of #djangocon and #psf stuff
more conference planning #conf
Meeting with potential non-profit client to discuss possible projects! #outsprint
Had a great meeting for a possible new project #pl
attended a monthly conference organizer's chat #mylife