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Add first 150 charities #givewithella
reach out to potential sponsors
Add first 50 charities #givewithella
Charity funds #fajarsiddiq
Reach out to first set of potential sponsors #ss
Reach out to sponsors for #thebrainpsych
🚢 first 50 (or ~ that) charities with financial data #givewithella
Scope out additional charity information to pull from CC API #givewithella
Prepare next batch of charities to be addded #givewithella
Prospect charity #fajarsiddiq
Add another 10 charities #givewithella
sent out latest curated list with sponsors #sponsorgap
send sponsorship details to enquirers #saasboilerplates
Add Good Things Foundation to charities #givewithella
Add link to charity website #givewithella
Reach out to potential sponsorship companies to see the price range #youtube
created a free sponorship search engine for newsletter creators to create a sponsor list based on their industry field and audience size #sponsorgap
Rollout latest batch of charities #givewithella
#givewithella Add 4 more charities