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Tell clients that I won't be around tomorrow #contracting
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#life Inform remaining clients of impending end of my freelance career
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Sunday #revsys client work to free up some time this week
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Thursday #revsys client work before I take a three-day-weekend
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inform clients I'll be AFK (away from keyboard) from tomorrow for a week.
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finished off my weekly consulting #revsys
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Got told by client to halt work for "1-3 months" because they lost an important customer and need to cut costs. Time to apply for new jobs.
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💼 #revsys client work (short week)
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#contracting Let next client know that I'm wrapping up this whole freelance thing
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wrapping up some client emails so I can take most of Monday off #mylife
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Thursday #revsys client work (half day)
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💼 #revsys client work for Wednesday
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preparing for #revsys Tuesday client work
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Tuesday #revsys client work before the break
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last day of #revsys client work until after #djangocon
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💼 #revsys Monday client work. It's a short week for me.
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#contracting Set up autoresponder to let clients know I am on leave until Nov 9th
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#contracting Tell client that it might make sense to end contract prematurely because I don't have time rn
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Wednesday #revsys client work day
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💼 clear the week's client work #tauron
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