Similar todos
update feedback comments for #iridium whitepaper
rewrite white paper as people ask for it
another whitepaper edit, but i think this is it #clients
finished a new draft and format for #djangonews
Continue writing whitepaper, lore, tokenomics. #darwinians
More work to the documentation, prep for full public launch #larametrics
more design doc work and I drafted some initial replies
updated issue 6 draft of #djangonews
Done with the first docs draft for new API #composeexamples
Update/finalize draft for NTRJ article #ss
finish up documentation, everything so far is covered now #spectate
updated #djangonews draft
Second draft of Design Doc #sp
Finish drafting up the agreement
site structures draft for new ideas
continue with #businessclass documentation redesign
working on #starter documentation
Finish WIT outline/basic draft #ss