Business Class
Business Class
Business Class is a SaaS template with subscriptions,
SEO-optimized blog, and built-in Kamal deployment.
SEO-optimized blog, and built-in Kamal deployment.
i now directly show how the crud looks like #businessclass
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finish testing Business Class 2.0 #businessclass
move to multiple dbs for Solid libs #businessclass
preserve plan choice from pricing page #businessclass
retest Paddle subscriptions for #businessclass
improve default admin styling in #businessclass
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work on test suite for #businessclass
attemp a Rails 8 Beta 1 update #businessclass
implement a proper dialogs for all destructive actions #businessclass
restart work on 2.0 #businessclass
handle slow connection state by introducing a spinner loader for all turbo dialogs in #businessclass
Make crud actions have a reveal mutli-bulk actions #businessclass
start work on updating generators #businessclass
finish up the new basic table #businessclass
work on table actions for #businessclass
prototype table row actions for #businessclass
help #businessclass customer with application architecture
more docs work for #businessclass
finally getting some docs work done #businessclass
do marketing #businessclass