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#nowelizator [payments] integration with invoice generation API
#nowelizator properly count time elapsed from last generated PDF
#nowelizator [notifications] rewrite Mailables to Notifications and enable queueing where possible
#nowelizator properly redirect after payment when on dev/prod env
#nowelizator set up and provision production server
#nowelizator slim down controllers by moving secondary task to queued events
#nowelizator [devops] implement proper deployment strategy (with rollbacks)
#nowelizator send out (Slack) admin notifications with daily updates
#nowelizator check why PDF generation doesn't update "last_generated_at" field
#nowelizator notify about failed jobs via Slack
started refactor of update logic #poddapp
#appstoremakers ✍️ article improvements
more #djangobuild updates and refactoring
#nowelizator [devops] configure deamons to run Artisan commands on a production server
#nowelizator send out daily notifications to user owning bills that are updated on that day
Refactor and update testing utilities #stronger
rework post order; rework update logic #er
worked on tools to keep articles in better sync with code #mylife
#nowelizator figure out why debugbar is not showing up