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redirect 301 to .com because I lost access cause GoDaddy is absolute trash #hassepietersam
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Try to buy dropped domain but get screwed by good ole godaddy #life
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🔨 fought getting my domain to work for unknown reasons. SSL is still being a pain and I'm using Cloudflare... le sigh
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Cancel GoDaddy domains #lifeee
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email client to switch nameservers to Cloudflare cause Godaddy doesn't properly support ANAME, which is needed for Heroku.… #freelancegig
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literally spent the last 3 hours, almost called @daniellockyer for help, trying to figure out whe hell it’s not resolving to domain…. turns out client made a typo when he added the IP address into the dns settings. REKT #freelancegig
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👓 trying godaddy auctions to sell unused domains #life
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continue transferring stuff away from godaddy and into cloudflare because why the hell pay markups on domains in 2023 anymore #life
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continue domain exodus godaddy -> cloudflare #life
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admin; transfer .cam domains to namecheap 'cause godaddy is making uniregistry bad
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move personal account from godaddy to namecheap because #fuckgodaddy
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call GoDaddy to recover domain #life
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register cause lost access to and GoDaddy won't ever give it back #hassepietersam (thx @daniellockyer)
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Redirect domain to server #life
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backorder cause GoDaddy still locked me out #hassepietersam
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#spotgetter ⚡ fix https root domain forwarding glitch
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Transfer domain to Namecheap to get away from god awful, unethical, poor practices GoDaddy #givewithella
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#rockkick convert app to new domain
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submit access request to get back from GoDaddy after losing access to old email account #hassepietersam
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in a strange turn of events, accidentally win for $799, but I did not want it, but Snapnames forced to me buy it because I won the auction, but I did not want it, but now Snapnames says they cannot give the domain anyway, so they will refund me #life
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