Similar todos
updated the website #bdm
website modifications #bdm
migrated old blog posts over to new website #consulting
clean the website #bdm
moved old posts to new blog site #fcto #leifinlavida
moved images for the old posts from old blogsite #fcto #leifinlavida
migrate some blogposts to new site (now ~10% done) #web
transfer blogpost from old blogsite to newsite #fcto #leifinlavida
migrate >35% of blogposts #web
migrate more blogposts #web
transfer posts over
copy blog posts from old site to new site
migrate some more blogposts #web
migrate articles and #TIL's from previous website #necmttnio
clean the wordpress #bdm
migrate 59 top pages on blog (20% of current posts) to ghost #web
fix posts migration #archmaps