Similar todos
convert video mkv->mp4 for plex #lifestuff
made an mp4 to wav converter
download long videos in mp4 #fajarsiddiq
#chartpoet generate mp4 from data tables
write and publish another short post for #vokal blog
#applicantai add mp4 video to meta tags
add ffmpeg #voicechanger
play with ffmpeg #vp
figure why frames are not created as they should using ffmpeg #vp
Wrote .mkv to .wav converter. Wrote .wav to text transformer.
install vlc player for playlist #fajarsiddiq
Make ffmpeg and aeneas work together to create a srt subtitle file from an audio track, then merge the srt into video #wondermachine
#chartpoet generate cover as mp4
Convert videos for documentation
rough to final cut video #fajarsiddiq