Similar todos
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refined the hero header + service descriptions #astronote #leifinlavida
Build a polished hero section for the landing page
Finish #morflaxstudio main hero section + add beta sticker
update hero section image #fridaygpt
Made Hero section for Landing Page #mistral
Create a hero section for each app page #morflaxstudio
Create hero embed #theportal
edit hero text #cssscan
create hero #ocrvision
new hero section homepage #thundercontent
Change font of hero heading #makertap
changed title and subtitle on Hero #comebck
change hero #yelmair
Put color on hero, make CTAs colorful and bigger #composeexamples
Reactivated snow confetti for website, plus added Christmas hat to hero header 🎅 #pluginsforcarrd
clean up hero section for landing page #dashful