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read back through my code and reorient myself with what was going on when I stopped 🙃 #courseblocks
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sit in front of some php after 1 week of not looking at code #life
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did a leetcode question, I've now done 10 days in a row, I'm surprised how much I remember from Qs I haven't seen in almost a year
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first time I’ve coded until the sun ☀️ comes up for about 10 years haha
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time to learn something new (as if it's not a common thing for me to do lately)🤷‍♂️ #codingagain #leifinlavida
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archive old changes and refamiliarize myself with #blip project after some forced time off
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stare at code for 2 hours trying to figure out how to implement something 😓 #blip
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slow morning to recover a bit from 10 days of coding streak #life
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stare at code some more because too many interruptions for focused work #stuff
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started coding #30days
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back to coding #fajarsiddiq
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finally write code again <3 #indie
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commit something for the first time in a very long time #starterstory
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first time touched and deployed code after a year #fullstackjob
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#life Manage to get into programming flow for first time in >1yr
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day off of code, mostly reading #life
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finish first day of code #beachnearby
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20-day streak learning to code #dailylife
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rest and do no work today for the first time in 10 days #life
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get back to work by revisiting last code and rethinking how to do the whole suggestions popup thing in a less convoluted way #blip
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