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Procrastinating #yamlife
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procrastinate #life
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- procrastinate - regret about procrastinating - regret about regretting about procrastinating
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procrastinate, create fun stuff #devjourney
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Procrastinate by doodling #life2
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do half my quarter planning after procrastinating all day
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procrastinating because without WIP working to log tasks is there even a point in doing things? 😅
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Read Good and Bad Procrastination - PG
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Procrastinate whole f-ing day (cook and wash dishes at the end) #georgy
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Procrastinate whole f-ing day (cook and wash dishes at the end) #georgy
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not sure yet if I’m procrastinating reading this or no 🌞 Answer in 12 weeks I guess 😅 #life
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set deadline for thing I’ve been putting off #seniormindset
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"Procrastination is easily solvable"… #klimy
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find innovative ways to procrastinate, like preparing visa recommendation letters
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procrastinate on developing by tweaking the animation waves in the fucking header 😅 #joblist
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#life tweet about procrastination…
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Procrastinated on my tasks this morning because I'm feeling sensitive today—but I say to myself it's okay, and I've decided to take the morning off and will focus on a more appealing task later #life
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small note finished… #klimy
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postpone all todos till tomorrow because I’m a lazy fuck
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Slow day - don't know if it because I am close to release and just procrastinate. Hopefully picking up tonight.
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