Similar todos
- procrastinate
- regret about procrastinating
- regret about regretting about procrastinating
procrastinate, create fun stuff #devjourney
do half my quarter planning after procrastinating all day
procrastinating because without WIP working to log tasks is there even a point in doing things? 😅
set deadline for thing I’ve been putting off #seniormindset
"Procrastination is easily solvable"… #klimy
find innovative ways to procrastinate, like preparing visa recommendation letters
Procrastinated on my tasks this morning because I'm feeling sensitive today—but I say to myself it's okay, and I've decided to take the morning off and will focus on a more appealing task later #life
small note finished… #klimy
Procrastinated by watching a short lesson on the recent history of Portugal from a café in Tomar because I can't find the energy to work towards my goals #life
Trying to launch, but keep realizing things I need to add/change before it gets 10x harder after launch. It's procrastination in disguise #pingbot
poke at retreat copy but realize I procrastinated too long #seniormindset
Applied for a job b/c I'd been procrastinating / being too much of a perfectionist about getting started.
procrastifriday, playing with bun #visiblelight
planning for project that is overdue #ekh
#indiehacker #insights if you feel procrastination to do something, divide it into smaller tasks until you start doing
tackling overdue projects #ekh