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Worked on a first draft of a 1-page "how to hire and manage remote workers" PDF that I want to start sending along with my resume and possibly also use as a marketing thing for my Wailes & Company remote work management consultancy idea...drank a double espresso ~4-5hrs before my expected bedtime, I hope I don't regret this...emailed another YouTuber but w/ a slightly different email approach...continuing to learn how to use Cursor, resolved a deploy.yml error by signing into GitHub after some Googling to understand what was going on...spent a while breaking up my backend code into sub-app directories as a way of setting the stage to work on multiple app ideas at the same time, and also to continue to build familiarity with Go since I'm still very new to it...spending the time after the caffeine high has kind of worn off (3hrs post-double-espresso) just thinking about what I should work on next...decide on some next small steps for tomorrow: 1) be able to query the Algolia HN API and get back the list of HN jobs, 2) set up a new db schema for the jobs app, 3) figure out how to best use ChatGPT to analyze the different job posts (individual queries vs. some kind of batch request).
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Worked on getting ChatGPT working with the Line echo bot example...created a separate file to test the OpenAI API call...hit an error, turned out I needed to pay separately for API credits...hit another error from my request not being formatted properly...finally got it working, now I need to try to integrate it with the Line echo bot...updated the code to use the ChatGPT code and deployed it, but the bot isn't responding anymore, I need to examine the logs...checked the logs with `dokku logs api` (`api` being the name of my app) and saw the error: "You didn't provide an API key."...need to add my API key as an env that added with `dokku config:set`...tested the echo bot again and IT WORKED. It is insane insane insane how fast I can get stuff working when I can ask ChatGPT for help at every step to cut through all the usual Googling to figure out how to do up, hmm, I'm not sure, either work on an accompanying Vue frontend or try fleshing out the bot to handle the particular use-case I have in mind...sent an email to another YouTuber to see if I can do a video with him.
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Only got ~6hrs of sleep, so try taking 120mg of lycopene...emailed back the WorkTime rep b/c their software isn't tracking any activity, it's crazy for it to be so broken in such a basic way...ask on Upwork forums if identity verification ever needs to happen again...created a Jira board for managing studying system design...started a pastebin system for rehearsing basic system design patterns daily b/c that's been working well for studying DSAs...feeling anxiety today, presumably from all the caffeine yesterday, so I'm going to take some Caffeine+ capsules to see if the extra vitamins in it makes the anxiety go the Algolia HN API request that I found in the hnjobs repo in Postman as a first step towards grabbing those jobs myself...spent 30 minutes feeling anxious about what the next step should be, thinking I should set up the backend pulling jobs, before changing my mind and deciding I want to be able to use a frontend UI to connect my email address and then press a button to have the backend send an Gmail email for me...
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Struggled to incorporate the Line "echo bot" code into my existing Huma Go backend framework code, so I just YOLO'd it and copied the example code into my `main.go` for the purpose of seeing if I can get it working...ran into an error when pushing to Dokku, it seems to be because I didn't set the Line-related env variables before pushing...set those vars on my Dokku server...clicked the Line 'Verify' button for the callback URL and got a 404, so I now need to look into what happened...I think the issue is that the echo bot code assumes I'll use the DefaultServeMux, but I'm actually using a chi Mux. The key line difference is `log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":"+port, r))`, where the example has `nil` instead of `r`...YOLO'd it again by just disabling the router I had gotten working, just to see if the webhook will work, and got a Success when I clicked the Verify up is to either clean up this mess I've made in my code or keep pushing forwards and try to get the ChatGPT part working.
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Destroyed my other two Digital Ocean droplets, I now only have the one $6/mo Dokku droplet...told ChatGPT what I'm trying to achieve with this Line+ChatGPT bot and what I already have working, to get some help visualizing how I should proceed...created a Line developer account...enabled the Messaging API...added the Line Go SDK to my Go up: I think I want to read the example code provided by Line and ChatGPT and figure out how I can fit it into my existing backend code. I think getting the Line "Echo" bot working in my app would be a good next step. Lowered my phone's daily limit for Twitter and Reddit from 60 mins each to 45 mins each.
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today was my first day actually doing Go development instead of just tutorials: took a magnesium tablet b/c I felt anxious last night, I think from the caffeine in the cocoa I had been drinking; copied my frontend code from my flask/vuetify template repo to my go/vuetify template repo; confirmed I can serve the frontend code locally; installed Go; drank an iced cocoa; successfully started my 'Hello World' main.go backend file as a web app server; asked ChatGPT for help converting my "POST /users/" request to use Go; created a Go module; installed Postman macOS; took a 15min break after an hour; got my frontend app "talking to" my Go backend (successfully returned "Hello World" and had it on-screen in my frontend app); added Go middleware to log every request to the console so I can see what is happening; renamed my (default) branch from 'master' to 'main'; got live reloading for my Go backend (it automatically reloads the backend when I make changes to the code); confirmed my "POST /users/" returns 201 when I use the frontend registration form; came up with a task for tomorrow: get "POST /api/session" working; set up PyCharm to be able to explore my SQLite db from within the DB toolbar; confirmed that my user registration created a new user record in the db
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Got my personal website ( being served by Netlify after destroying the Digital Ocean droplet that was hosting it (just an index.html file) the welcome YouTube video working again, I guess YouTube requires some new iframe attrs now before it'll allow it to be played...bought a new domain ( for $10 and set it up on Netlify with a copy of my domain, I'm thinking of trying to start doing cold-emailing to get work as an agency / remote-worker management consultancy b/c I think the current agency I'm working for is billing my time at a way higher rate than I'm getting paid...spent a few minutes thinking about and adding Jira tickets for what I should work on next for that project (not today)...spent some time studying the [hnjobs GitHub repo][1] to see how it worked, to use it as a stepping stone towards automating applying to HN jobs...spent some more time thinking about trying to do interviews with YouTubers, I'm now thinking it may not be so useful, as I don't have a product I'm trying to sell right now, it's unlikely to have any lasting impact, and it would probably be a one-time thing... [1]:
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Spent an hour going over my app ideas to try to decide on what to work on next, settled on trying to build a Line+ChatGPT bot that will run on my Dokku droplet.
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Felt great upon waking up after taking 300mcg melatonin last night before bed; today getting login working: figured out how to translate the email/password validators used in Let's Go Further to Huma's way of doing input validation so the API will return an error if the email/password don't pass basic sanity checks; figured out how to return a 404 error with Huma if the user isn't found in the database; got the code working that checks the supplied password against the hashed password in the db and returns a 401 error if they don't match; pushed pass my normal 2-hour daily work limit to get the endpoint working (returning a token) so I can move on to something else because this sucks. Next up (tomorrow): get the front-end to receive/save the auth token and send it when signing in / etc. #govuetifytemplate
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Went through my Google Tasks notes-to-myself of stuff it would be cool to make, turned my favorites into Jira projects, and removed them from Google Tasks. Next: pick one and try to come up with a summary of how an MVP could work. Removed links from WhatDo homepage for projects that don't exist (yet). Feeling super happy I set up Netlify / Dokku now that I can just push and have my changes immediately live. Spent time drafting an email to ask a YouTuber if I can do a video with him, I'm on the fence about whether I should do it.
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