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more writing —- more thinking —— more structuring #ekh
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continue experimenting with different models #ai
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🤖 played around with adding extra context in some local Ollama models. Trying to test out some real-world tasks I'm tired of doing. #research
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Figure out why the suggested questions and mental models take longer times than expected if necessary stream and accumulate it if that speeds it up #mentalmodelsaicoach
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Analysis of Thinking In Models course (put in Mindmeister)
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some thinking and design on #tw
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doing the simplest thing and than the next simplest thing. experimenting whether this gets momentum going #ing #ekh
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model all steps of next project ... let’s see if this approach saves time
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work on ideation #shipr
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train my own model first time i think #avatarai
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Initial design exploration for Project I #others
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write about inputs/x-model #alpinehandbook
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auto correct short prompts eg “model” to “(wide shot) of model posing for photo with a solid background” because otherwise it produces extreme close ups which suck, and newbie users often don’t write a prompt or keep it very short so have bad results #photoai
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do you have gpt-o1 access yet?…
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played around with models in repalicate to see if I can find an alternate to openAI. results are not promising... yet.
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#methodengineering - read up on metamodeling via Kuhne (2006) and start to make changes to internal note taking as a result of its points ✅
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write complex vs. complicated #blog2
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transform complicated incoming data to internal model. we're getting there #edu
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Read up on decision making models
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Spent some time thinking about how to improve the Tacotron model. #rhymecraft
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