more on point #20startups home design
part written 3 articles, so almost up to speed again #20startups
written and published article for #20startups experiment number 8
published article 6 #20startups
some writing work on article 6 #20startups
added #readyset to #20startups home
article3 added to medium #20startups
zeropercent #20startups article up to date
skillmap #20startups article up to date
design improvements to #20startups hub
added PH button to #20startups
project shells for each startup on indiehackers #20startups
written out basic #20startups structure
produced 4 videos (still need to edit down) #20startups
updated #20startups page with squadpay
fix mobile formatting for startup links #20startups
updates to #20startups project page
catch up on #20startups articles (finally!) 💪
#20startups article for startup 5
#20startups article for startup 4