Similar todos
Change the PieChart colors to correctly match the colors used for each Mouscle Group #gymbro
pick color palette #collagram
let user personnalize color #contactbox
fix body bg color #gamequitters
create color palette for dev team #eveningstar
Unify styling for mouscle groups across tiles where that info appears (including pie chart) #gymbro
add colors on create #jobs
Create a custom color palette #capgo
change colors #personalitymarketing
change colors #cci
use better color palette #kubiko
New pallete color button to swap table color #drawsql
made variant color optional #kvistad
use the color in chatbot settings to the loading skeletons too instead of using blue color #sitegpt
Custom color select #mugshotbot
create a colour palette #shipr
fix the exercise distribution chart so that when users click on a moscule group a drill down view with the separate body parts distribution #gymbro
adjust color #ceev