Similar todos
First draft of nex newsletter edition on growing your SaaS with YouTube #upgroves
Research for new videos #youtube
Do research for the upcoming edition on using influencers to grow your SaaS #upgroves
Keywords research and coming up with titles and thumbnails for future YouTube videos #youtube
Get idea for YouTube channel
Do some research for videos that can be used in ecommerce websites
Research for edition on how to grow using LinkedIn.
continue working on youtube research topics and keywords
Finish final draft for the next newsletter edition: "How To Use TikTok to Promote Your Products" #upgroves
Brainstorm ideas for YouTube videos
Realized I need to start a YouTube channel since X is ineffective for reach and SEO is at the mercy of Google's algorithms. YouTube appears to be the only platform showing substantial organic growth over time.
The only task is to understand how to create content that isn't just a constant stream of deadlines.
search for youtube channels/blogs to sponsor #cssscan
Experiment with creating e-commerce videos
Co-working with YouTube star @dpashutskii
Create video promotion for #mistral
Audience research for the next edition on TikToks #upgroves
Start planning out first YouTube tutorial video #personal
work on setting up the new #crisp YouTube studio