Similar todos
Finished Real Word Nuxt on Vue Mastery #namemybaby Only 1 course left to be able to build my first full-stack app using a front-end framework. 👯
Finished Vue Mastery's Fullstack w/ Nuxt Nitro course 🎓 #namemybaby
Started using Nuxt UI #namemybaby
basics vue+nuxt tutorials
new chapter in vue course module
#pegleg Go through VueMastery basics
Create Vue.js app #tlgrm
Switch my API calls to be in a single backend.js file as I think that'll keep things organized as things get complicated and it's working nicely in the Vuetify app I'm building for an Upwork client of mine. #rhymecraft
Signup API side done (thanks to Nitro with Nuxt3) #namemybaby
release new article for nuxt #capgo
Started new Nuxt app project folder #chartpix
Write a draft of "Testing Next.js API Routes" #metamas
read Nuxt.js 1.0 is out… #devlearning
try writing some Vue and give up