Similar todos
updated #research to better handle adding custom context to chat messages. lots of cleanup too,
expanded #research project to handle messages and history better. Also added the ability to ask one-off prompts that may not get added to the history log.
#ollamachat Added support to persist conversations and multiple conversation with switching between models
worked on persisting chat for logged in users #albertbro
Conversations added to Communication #securedfyi
Debug code to display chat window in new contexts #edgar
worked on messaging for a #djangocon update
Buffer message in chat so we can reply to a customer when he/she is navigating away and comes back later #simpleanalytics
Add quick prompts to #sitegpt new chat ui
Adding the option to customize chat message actions #boltai
added backend for handling quick_prompts from web-chat
Improve backend for last conversation message (support notes as last message, edit last message if needed) #crisp
broadcast message before saving to speed up chat #expensivechat
loading customizations and messages in webchat #support
#me 🎉 expand macros in windows client
added layout and handling delete, open conversation, saving in thread the customer/lead #instabotgpt
added session management and flash msgs #buildingo
save chat messages in db